
About Us

Our Impact

We are helping create positive change, one person, one whānau, one community at a time.



Police referrals for family violence

We’re focused in the family harm field, with dedicated advocates who work with both men and women to help them on their journey away from violence. We receive referrals from the police and other agencies and are available on a Crisis Line 24/7.


Hours of counselling

Our counselling service is always in high demand and we deliver well above the numbers we are contracted to provide by Oranga Tamariki and Ministry for Social Development.

Our counsellors are available for subsidised counselling and help clients with a range of issues including depression, anxiety, grief & loss, family harm, and relationship break-ups.

We also provide counselling for children and teenagers who need help with issues from bullying, truancy, academic stress and relationships.


Nights in Safety

We run a Kia Timata Ano, a confidential safe home for women and children. In the year to 30 June 2023, we housed forty-three women and children, providing 1350 nights in safety.


Welfare checks for at-risk community clients

Offering community care to help our community flourish, we have provided three hundred and three welfare checks for at risk community clients.

“After an incident at home where the police were called, I received a phone call offering me support. It was nice to know that someone was there to help me at this difficult time.”

Receiver of violence


We understand that past trauma and hurt can only be overcome with trust.

We are there to give valued, non-judgemental support to help people overcome those hurdles that are too much to hold alone. 

We do this in any number of ways, be it advocacy to help navigate government agencies, programs that help children deal with their grief, or even a simple chat. 

We believe that every person can grow and change towards a brighter future where they can feel strong and in control of their own destiny.