Olivia’s Story

Olivia* was in a pretty bad place when a friend reached out to us on her behalf. That one phone call set in motion a life-changing experience that she wants us to share.

“A friend found and called Kindred for me after my partner turned violent. I was scared and had no place to go.

When I arrived I was pregnant and had lost custody of my daughter.

I was depressed, anxious and frightened.

The support I have received here has made a huge difference.

I’ve been drug and smoke free for five months and I’m learning about healthy relationships.

Kindred Family Services put me in touch with a lawyer and I now have a court order and am looking forward to having my daughter returned to my care really soon.

I’ve undertaken a Mama & Pēpi parenting programme, the Triple P Parenting course and counselling. I’ve managed to get my Learner Driver’s License. I’ve seen a budgeting advisor who has set me up so I’m starting to pay off my debts.

I’m so much more confident now and I know it’s okay to ask for help if I need it. The staff have been supporting me through my pregnancy and I’m really looking forward to finding my own place and living in a safe community.

I just want the best life for my baby and daughter. I am so thankful to be here.”

We’re happy to tell you that Olivia has had a healthy baby boy and has her daughter back in her custody. The three of them are settled into a new home and the future is looking bright.

If you would like to help many more like Olivia, please consider becoming one of our 100 founding Kindred Spirits by committing to a regular monthly donation.

*not her real name


Ava’s Story


February Newsletter